How‌ ‌to‌ ‌Organize‌ ‌a‌ ‌Time-Efficient‌ ‌Office‌ ‌Move‌ ‌

Moving your business to a different office is often a joyous occasion. Moving up in the world both professionally and personally should be celebrated. Moving as an activity is usually associated with stress, hassle, expenses, and headaches. It doesn’t have to be this way and, nothing should stop you from celebrating and being excited about your new office. 

1. Planning is half the battle

Preparation, communication, planning are the magic words. These are all you will need to get a head start and manage your moving process. Since you know when the office moving date is, you can plan. Sometimes you are even allowed to pick your desired date. With that in mind, you have all the time in between to plan each move. Also, informing and keeping your employees in the loop is crucial and, we will touch on this topic later. Now the best way to utilize this period is with a planning app.

There are loads of them online, and you can easily find the one that’s perfect for you. Then, you can also start moving the non-essential office items first. Separating and doing the inventory on your total items can also provide valuable insight. When you make these partial moves, you are already making it easier and practical to complete the moving process once the actual day comes.

2. Electronic devices are a priority.

These items are usually very expensive investments and, not to mention that, in most cases, they are what makes your company tick. Recognizing their priority and investing in the safe transportation of your most valuable items more than pays for itself. Among all of your possessions, your hard drives, computers, electronic equipment, and machines should all be considered VIP. 

Premium and luxury transportation with special emphasis on care and protection, is the way to go. Don’t forget that the tech crew needs some time to set them all up again and get them going. Coordinating with them about dismantling, transporting, setting up and re-starting everything should be high on your list. In the end, the moving process cannot be considered complete until the tech guys get everything up and running again.

3. Helping hands

As you have plenty of employees doing the work to keep the company going, so do you have help regarding the moving process. You are not alone and, your friend list is a good place to start. An extra set of hands is always welcome and of use. If that sounds like a bit of a hassle, then hiring professional moving companies is the way to go. Many companies consider them as an expense, but when you put it all on paper, they are well worth it. Professional and experienced, with plenty of specialized tools under their belt, like 2 Men Removals, can make all the difference in the world and get the job done in no time. 

When you factor in the time, energy, and hassle of doing it all by yourself, then going for the option of hiring extra professional services makes much more sense. Plan B can always include all hands-on decks. Every employee knows their workspace the best. Simply asking them to pack up around them and in their immediate vicinity makes the office moving process that much faster and easier.


4. Label all the things

When there are dozens of people running left and right, with trucks waiting, every second matters. With countless boxes laying left and right, it’s easy to get confused and disorganized as they all look the same at first glance. Time is money and, moving has to be done as quickly as possible. Labeling and grouping similar boxes makes the process that much easier. Color-coded, or with explicitly direct names, whatever your choice is on the matter, it is better to have any label on the box than none. In the absence of labels, it’s not uncommon for the moving person to have to stop, open and double-check what is inside. Not to mention that improper handling can cause plenty of damage, which is preventable by labeling.

5. Bulk item management

While looking at a bulkier item can already cause you to calculate all the executive space and cost it will take, you can try a different approach. Tables, larger pieces of furniture, and similar can all be dismantled into simpler and manageable pieces. A lengthy meeting table can have its legs removed, unscrewed, and transported compactly and in parts. These items become transformed from overbearing space huggers to nifty transportation items with a bit of elbow grease and practical know-how. Even if you have to hire someone to dismantle/re-make them, it is still cheaper than such expensive and bulk items to get damaged or destroyed during transportation.

Read more: Employee Skill Development: Everything You Need to Know

All of this may seem like too much to handle at once. It’s worth remembering that the most important thing is to get started. Any steps are better than standing still. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


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