Ultimate Guide to Best Weapons in Mass Effect Andromeda

If you’re looking for a guide that lists, discusses, and reviews the most powerful and versatile weapons in Mass Effect: Andromeda then you’ve landed on the right article.

First, let’s get into some details about the game. Mass Effect: Andromeda is where you fight intergalactic enemies to further your objective.

In the pursuit of progress, you will face countless enemies and this is why knowing the correct and best weapons in every field is important. Do you need shotguns? Sniper rifles? Assault rifles? Deadly grenade launchers?

Well, the answer to that is simple. As the situation demands, you will have to respond accordingly. If the enemies are normal ones you may use simple weapons or possibly depend on rifles but what if they’re hiding behind cover? Or what if a bunch of enemies stacks together to defeat you?

This is exactly why understanding the weapons and having information and relevant knowledge beforehand about them is extremely important. You will need to read this article till the end of that.

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Do you think knowing about one type of weapon will do it for you? It certainly doesn’t.

Having a blend of different weapons allows players to juggle back and forth between them to use according to the situation that is on the grounds. If you follow this approach then whether you’re standing against a heavy boss or a puny enemy soldier, the game will be interesting to you.

Let’s standby for now to begin the review.

Best Assault Rifles in Mass Effect Andromeda

N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle


Whenever it comes to arm and ammunition while playing games and especially more precisely, this assault rifle is your gun. Whenever you want something more precise Valkyrie is there for you. It’s basically an assault rifle that fires only two round bursts and making it better for the headshot and other precision work.

If you are the player who wants to hide and get himself in cover all the time and want to put your enemy down from far then it’s the best gun for you because it won’t waste your time spraying bullets because Valkyrie is quite handy.

Falcon Assault Rifle


Once when I started using these guns, I felt very amazing because this gun is not just a gun it’s a grenade launcher. As we see that there are very few guns that really firebombs in Andromeda. That is very helpful when a player wants to do collateral damage while shooting the Kat in cover and most importantly blasting away the hardest and toughest enemies in the game.

Best Sniper Rifles in Mass Effect Andromeda

Isharay Sniper Rifle


The Isharay is said to have the best features in the entire game, talking about sniper rifles. It is often referred to as the best sniper rifle in the game and we’ll get to how this weapon is a beast in combat.  Starting with them, you can expect it’s to hit hard. Its bullets are enough to make enemies quiver from a distance.

Although the gun takes some time to fire and reload, you can make sure that the attacks fired from this weapon hit the target. In that, you need to show tremendous amounts of skill to prevent wastage of valuable bullets and time.

If you’re ever out of bullets or the weapon is taking too much time to load, you should probably switch over to a different gun. You’ll spend a lot of time reloading your rifle as the enemy shoots back at you if you’re not an accurate shooter.

Naladen Sniper Rifle


As a player of the game, I don’t think that sniper rifles need to be always accurate and effective but this Naladen Sniper Rifle fires some rounds that explode on impact and that is a plus point to get down the enemies behind the cover you can’t quite get a bead on.

The benefit of using this rifle is that you can use it for the chest shot as well, particularly it is the best gun for a near-range blast to the chest when it is being fired from the hip. I have seen many times that you can also get some utility out of Naladen in front of big enemies which usually likes to close the gap and want to get in close on you.

This rifle is a gem and it’s amazing.

Black Widow Sniper Rifle


A player always wants that he should have a big, heavy, and most importantly damage-dealing sniper that should work like taking the most enemies with the right and bull’s eyeshot. As a matter of fact or the truth is that unless you have a kind of godlike aim this sniper will just give you away and can make a loud bombastic sound away many times. This will keep it somewhat lightweight and can shoot three shots to a clip, as a matter of fact even the best aimers sometimes miss occasionally.

Black widow also comes with an extensive scope that will aid the player in any setting. Day or night you always want to improve your chances of a clean one-hit takedown.

Best Shotgun in Mass Effect Andromeda

Reegar Carbine Shotgun


The Reegar is super effective in many situations and while it is a good cover-up, you can knock down enemy shields with this weapon. The electric blasts that generate from the Reegar are enough to disarm them from their defenses.

Additionally, you can inflict extra damage on enemies if you’re using Reegar. Since every shot that you fire towards the enemy will create some trouble for them.

Dhan Shotgun


One of the best Shotguns in the game, Dhan is equal to nothing else. To put it simply, this weapon tanks high damage, along with being friendlier in close-ranged interactions.

The Dhan can fire several heavy projectiles that stay close and upon impact, they create a ruckus. This is also effective for long-range shots.

Is it strongly advised to save some cash in the game to utilize it on good, research-based weapons that go a long way?

N7 Crusader


This semi-automatic weapon is more accurate than most pistols because it targets an extremely closed rifle instead of a typical bulletproof group. The status of the N7 Crusader Initiative has changed significantly since the Milky Way Alliance.

This N7 Crusader is also one of the favorites and using this has always been so great that it makes the game more catchy and amazing.

Ruzad Shotgun


The Ruzad is famous for being strong and brutal, in hitting enemies head to head. However, the Ruzad has a slow fire rate and low capacity to offer. It is considered to be a deadly weapon since it has a stagger placed at the front to grab some extra damage from enemies while you still can.

Best Pistol in Mass Effect Andromeda

Equalizer SMG


Although you can use the Equalizer for a number of reasons, its main purpose is to knock down enemy shields and reduce their defenses so they can be attacked head-on.

This is a remnant weapon and you don’t have to worry about running low on ammo since it’s enough on its own but one word of caution, make sure you stay in the appropriate range to offer the best services of the Equalizer.

Scorpion Pistol


Don’t take this “pistol” as a joke. Since it’s called a pistol, people take it lightly but the Scorpion pistol is a force to be reckoned with.

This weapon can dish out a huge number of kills since it isn’t your normal bullet shooter gun. It can successfully fire mini grenades that stick onto walls or people and explode, causing massive damage everywhere.


Despite the above-mentioned shooting equipment, there are also Melee weapons. It’s often referred to as hand weapons and it’s used to close fights with the enemy. They are divided into several types such as daggers, swords, fists, hammers, and more.

The best melee weapons

  • Asari sword
  • Krogan Hammer
  • Remnant Cryo-Gauntlet
  • Omni-Blade

Which one do you like the most out of our top rates weapons?

Updated on April 13, 2021.

One thought on “Ultimate Guide to Best Weapons in Mass Effect Andromeda

  • December 1, 2019 at 5:47 pm

    Howdy exceptional website!


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